
OET: A Closer View of This Preferred English Test for Healthcare Professionals

31 Oct 2023
Home OET: A Closer View of This Preferred English Test for Healthcare Professionals

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OET: A Closer View of This Preferred English Test for Healthcare Professionals

OET serves as an English test for healthcare professionals who are planning to register and practice in an English-speaking country. Furthermore, it is rated highly by candidates due to many reasons. Read on to find a few of them.

The exam is different from typical English tests. It is further designed specifically keeping in mind healthcare workers. In addition, you are tested on topics you are already aware of from your daily work and previous healthcare studios. Lastly, it is an English test that is relevant to a global healthcare career.

OET offers the following:

1. Recognition

OET is recognized by healthcare regulators in the UK, the US, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Dubai for registration purposes.

Besides, it is also accepted by immigration authorities in the UK, the US, Australia and New Zealand for specified categories where proof of English language skills is required.

2. Confidence

Past test takers endorse OET. Moreover, the preparation involved and test materials replicate real healthcare scenarios. Besides, this instills increased confidence on test day.

3. Relevance

OET ensures the required levels of English language communication skills. Health professionals need them to further deliver safe and high-quality care.

Contents of the Test

It will augur well for you to understand what you have to expect when you attempt OET Exam. It will further help you understand why OET is perfect for healthcare professionals.

The test is divided into four sub-tests. They are Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The Listening and Reading subtests are designed to further assess the ability of a candidate to understand spoken and written English. In addition, the assessment is based on health-related topics and tasks common to all professions.

The Writing and Speaking sub-tests are specific to the 12 individual healthcare professions. They have been designed to further reflect common tasks performed in the workplace.

1. Listening

Duration: 40 minutes

Follow and grasp a range of health-related spoken materials. They can be patient consultations and lectures.

2. Reading

Duration: 60 minutes

Read and understand different types of text on a health related subject.

3. Writing

Duration: 45 minutes

Write a referral letter, letter of transfer or discharge or a letter to advise or inform a patient, carer or group.

4. Speaking

Duration: 20 minutes

Take part in two role-plays. You take your healthcare professional while the interlocutor plays a patient or client. Sometimes it is a relative or carer.

Hope you found this information useful. Enroll today in an online OET courses and kickstart a lucrative career in healthcare. All the best for your exam.

By : admin
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