
OET A Quick Intro; Learn the Exam Pattern, Modules and Grading System

11 Jul 2023
Home OET A Quick Intro; Learn the Exam Pattern, Modules and Grading System

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The Occupational English Test (OET) is an English proficiency exam designed for healthcare professionals who wish to work or study in an English-speaking environment.

The primary aim of the test is to measure the aspirant’s proficiency in the English language over the four skills such as listening, reading, writing, and speaking in the context of healthcare. The OET test is recognized by healthcare regulatory bodies, universities, and employers around the world, including countries like Australia, the UK, Ireland, the USA, New Zealand, and Singapore.

The OET consists of four sub-tests, each of which is designed to test a specific language skill which are listed below.


The listening sub-test consists of two parts, with a total of 42 questions. The first part contains recorded healthcare-related conversations, while the second part contains recorded monologues or presentations.


The reading sub-test consists of three parts, with a total of 42 questions. The texts are healthcare-related and include academic articles, patient information leaflets, and hospital guidelines.


The writing sub-test requires test-takers to produce a letter that is appropriate for a healthcare setting. Test-takers are given case notes or other relevant information, and they must write a letter responding to the information provided. The letter must be written in a clear and concise manner, using appropriate medical terminology.


The speaking sub-test consists of six tasks, with two role-plays, two presentations, and two discussions. The tasks are healthcare-related and test-takers are assessed on their ability to communicate effectively, use appropriate medical terminology, and respond appropriately to questions and prompts.

The Grading System

The Occupational English Test (OET) is graded on a scale of A to E, with A being the highest grade and E being the lowest. Test-takers need to achieve a grade of at least B in each sub-test . They need to meet the English language proficiency requirements of most healthcare regulatory bodies, universities, and employers.

OET vs Other English Language Tests; Differences At a Glance

The OET is different from other English language exams, such as TOEFL or IELTS. OET focuses on the specific language skills needed in healthcare settings.

Candidates should practice their language skills and familiarize themselves with the medical terminology and cultural norms in English-speaking countries.

They should also manage their time effectively. Practice relaxation techniques to manage anxiety and ensure that they have a stable internet connection and functioning equipment. With adequate preparation and practice, candidates can improve their chances of passing the OET exam and pursuing their career goals in English-speaking countries.

Connect with us for OET course preparation.

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